The location for the first PlayStation office was chosen so that there were night bars nearby


This was told by the “father of PlayStation” Ken Kutaragi

As the “father of PlayStation” Ken Kutaragi said in an interview, back in 1993, when Sony Computer Entertainment had just created the PlayStation brand, its leaders were faced with the question of opening the first office. 


The location for the first PlayStation office was chosen so that there were night bars nearby

As it turned out, the location for its placement was chosen primarily based on the availability of a number of night bars.  

We started from Aoyama Itchome (subway station in Tokyo). The reason we chose this place as our office was because we wanted to have a drink together.

Sony’s headquarters were then located in the Shinagawa area, where all bars closed at 20:00. Kutaragi also recalled that Sony Music Entertainment Japan’s subsidiary often threw parties that lasted well past midnight, and PlayStation executives wanted to carry that tradition into a new business. 

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