This level was reached 5 months after launch
The founder of the Telegram messenger Pavel Durov said that the number of users of the paid Telegram Premium subscription has exceeded 1 million. He published information about this in his Telegram channel. Telegram Premium, which was introduced just 5 months ago, quickly surpassed 1 million subscribers and became one of the most successful examples of a social media subscription plan ever launched, he says. Telegram launched the monetization of the service a year ago, while Telegram Premium accounts for only a small part of the income, but it is growing steadily and someday can even compete with advertising, Durov believes.

The Telegram Premium subscription was launched on June 19 this year and initially cost 450 rubles a month, then the price dropped. A paid account gives you access to additional features, including voice recognition, spectacular animation, the ability to turn off ads, and increased limits: on the size of the uploaded file, the number of subscriptions, pinned chats, etc. Durov also said that the results of Telegram monetization exceeded all expectations , and the features currently being worked on will lay the foundation for further financial growth of the service in 2023. The founder of the messenger recalled that thanks to the successful monetization of Telegram, it will be able to pay for the servers, traffic and wages necessary to continue creating new features and supporting existing ones.