The old Facebook user interface will be completely removed in September


The old Facebook user interface will be completely removed in September

Facebook developers launched a new social network user interface a few months ago. Despite this, platform users can still use the old layout. Now it has been announced that this feature will soon disappear, and the old interface will be completely removed in September this year.


“ We’ve made the new better and are thrilled that all users can experience the new design. Before we make classic Facebook unavailable in September, we hope you let us know how we can continue to make Facebook better for everyone, ”the developers said in a statement.

Separately, the features of the new interface are noted, including a more attractive design, larger text, fast loading, and a dark mode that can be activated in the settings menu. The new social media user interface was first officially unveiled at the F8 2019 annual conference held last spring. This spring, the developers launched a feature that allows you to switch from the classic Facebook interface to the new and back.

It should be noted that the new design strongly resembles the interface of the Facebook mobile application, in which there was a place for a simple navigation bar that provides quick access to different sections of the platform. The social media logo has also been completely redesigned to give it a more modern and attractive look.

Even if you don’t like Facebook’s new interface, it’s time to get used to it, as the classic version of the social network will no longer be available within a few weeks.