The Season Pass for Civilization VI attracted more active players than any previous expansion


The Season Pass for Civilization VI attracted more active players than any previous expansion

Tomorrow, March 25,  Sid Meier’s Civilization VI will receive the New Frontier Pass’s final expansion. In honor of the event, PCGamesN spoke with Assistant Producer Kevin Schultz and Lead Game Designer Anton Strenger. According to them, Firaxis Games is pleased with the results of the Season Pass – it met financial expectations and attracted more active players than any of the previous expansions.

Civilization 6

Kevin Schultz’s commentary reads: “I think we definitely consider this a success. We did have expectations for the [New Frontier Pass] sales that came true

Then Anton Strenger took the floor: “One of the goals I pursued as a designer with the Frontier Pass is can we bring more Civilization into people’s lives? So that they play more often and have something to expect each month [in terms of content] instead of those awkward radio silences between big releases? “

Stringer said the Season Pass helped achieve that goal: “The really cool stat is that the first month of the New Frontier Pass had higher active users than when we launched Rise and Fall or Gathering Storm. For a game that is four and a half years old, this is incredible. We see a consistently higher number of active users, giving us great feedback and making supplements even better. It is truly a virtuous circle

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