Transport drones “Locust” and “Zhuk” have been announced.


They are made in Sevastopol

Scientists from Sevastopol State University (SevSU) will present the first model of a transport drone for coastal areas and difficult operating conditions by 2025. It is planned to establish mass production.

“We will have the first model of an original design for coastal areas and difficult operating conditions. This is a transport drone made entirely of domestic components. We have already carried out fundamental work on the research and development of new aerodynamic designs for drones, and now we are ready to carry out development work so that by the end of 2024, some of the prototypes of transport drones, including air taxis, will already be in the air,” said Vice-Rector for Innovations of Northern State University Sergei Dudnikov.


Transport drones “Locust” and “Zhuk” have been announced.

It is precisely these aerodynamic configurations that will determine the shape of unmanned aircraft of the future.

The first drone, under the working title “Locust,” will have a payload of up to 70 kg. Later, scientists intend to create a more spacious Zhuk aircraft, visually reminiscent of a capsule. UAVs can be used not only for transporting passengers, but also in industry, as well as in the defense complex.

“Transport drones can be used for aerial logistics, they can also be used for dual-purpose tasks, including lifting a repeater or electronic warfare system into the air, or used as an observation system,” the vice-rector said.

In the future, it is planned to establish industrial production of such UAVs. Currently, applications for new drones are already being received from both civilian customers and special-purpose customers.

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