Twitter started removing prohibited content


Twitter started removing prohibited content

Roskomnadzor said that after the traffic slowed down, Twitter began to remove prohibited content. This was reported on the website of the department. The company has already removed about a third of the illegal information, but the authorities consider this rate to be unsatisfactory.


“We regret that only the use of technical measures to enforce the execution of Russian laws forced the American social network to admit the presence of information, which is absolute evil in all countries of the world, and to take measures to remove it. The recognition of the information prohibited by the social network and its removal could have been carried out by Twitter much earlier, which would have excluded such prolonged harm to the users of the Russian Internet, ”the statement of Roskomnadzor said.

The regulator also noted that new materials with prohibited information appear on the social network. Plans for further blocking the resource have not been disclosed.

Recall that on March 10, Roskomnadzor used mechanisms to slow down access to Twitter in the country due to its unwillingness to respond to demands to remove all content recognized as illegal in the Russian Federation.

On March 16, the department’s deputy head, Vadim Subbotin, told about the possible blocking of Twitter, if in a month, the platform does not remove the prohibited materials. He also promised to remove all restrictions if the social network fulfills the requirements of the regulator.

Also Read:  Twitter began to comply with the requirements of Roskomnadzor, the blocking is canceled