Ubisoft gives out rewards to players in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, but not everyone can get them yet


Ubisoft gives out rewards to players in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, but not everyone can get them yet

Update 1.2 was released for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla yesterday, March 16. It added transmogrification, three skills, and a temporary event to the game. In parallel, Ubisoft decided to please users with the distribution of awards: anyone can enter the in-game store and receive an Altair costume, Yule Festival prizes, and 300 opals. True, some of the players encountered an error when trying to pick up gifts. The developers already know about the problem and are looking for a solution.

Assassins creed valhalla
Assassins creed valhalla

The distribution of awards was revealed thanks to a post on the official Assassin’s Creed Twitter account: “Thank you for doing everything you can to help develop Assassin’s Creed Valhalla for players. In recognition of the community gift, Godly Reward is now available for free in the game store “.

And in the next message, Ubisoft wrote that it knows about the problem encountered by users: “We are aware of the error [0x70000d03] that occurs when trying to pick up Godly Reward, and we are looking for a solution. We’ll make sure to share information as we investigate [the issue] so that the community can benefit from the gift

Perhaps the distribution of awards is related to criticism of Ubisoft from fans of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. They believe the company is focusing more on microtransactions than on game development.

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