US Congressman Gives First Speech Written by ChatGPT


The speech concerned the bill regarding AI

ChatGPT is penetrating deeper and deeper areas of life. Two days ago, Congressman Jake Auchincloss made the first-ever speech in the House of Representatives, written by the acclaimed chatbot.

Jake Auchincloss
Jake Auchincloss

In this case, we are not talking about a scandal – Auchincloss himself said that he did this to show the capabilities of modern AI systems

AI can become a general-purpose technology: a foundation in every sector. Yesterday, I delivered the first AI-crafted speech to Congress as a call to action. Politicians should be purposeful and active.

The congressman’s speech was very short and concerned just AI. Auchincloss advocated a bill he is introducing that would create a US-Israeli artificial intelligence center. Here is the entire speech:

I am one of the youngest parents in Congress. I know this technology will be part of my career for decades to come. And it can become a general purpose technology for my children, for the sector they have chosen to work in, it will be a key tool that they will need to use. 

I wanted to bring this to the attention of Congress so that we are discussing a purposeful AI policy now, and not being 10 years behind the times like many social media policymakers.

According to reports, the Auchincloss team instructed ChatGPT to write a 100-word speech in the House of Representatives on that very bill. At the same time, people had to refine the request several times before the AI ​​produced the desired result.

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