Video: the story of Nostria torn apart by troubles in the King’s Bounty II story trailer


Video: the story of Nostria torn apart by troubles in the King’s Bounty II story trailer

1C Entertainment and Deep Silver have released a new trailer for the tactical RPG King’s Bounty II. It was dedicated to the upcoming game’s plot, which tells about the troubles that have fallen on a country called Nostra.

Kings bounty 2
Kings bounty 2

The fresh video, apparently, is made up of intros and scenes on the project’s engine. The shots show a variety of characters and several locations – a large city, village, fortress, etc. In parallel, the prince’s voiceover talks about the sad state of affairs in Nostra. His father, King Claudius, cannot rule due to illness. The ruler’s state influenced the entire state, which was previously considered an excellent place to live.

In Austria, conspiracies and intrigues with betrayals began, and dark sorcerers began to be active. The prince fears that the troubles piled on will “tear the country apart,” so he is preparing to get rid of all the problems. Also, the trailer mentions a false prophet who announces the arrival of the savior.

King’s Bounty II will be released on August 24, 2021, on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. The game was planned to be released in 2020, but the release was shifted first to March 2021 and then to the end of summer.

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