WTTC’s Hotel Sustainability Basics Initiative Surpasses 1,700 Properties: A Global Push for Sustainable Hospitality


The World Travel & Tourism Council’s (WTTC) Hotel Sustainability Basics (Basics) initiative is making significant strides in promoting environmentally conscious practices within the hospitality sector. This global program, designed to guide hotels toward improving their sustainability ratings, recently celebrated a critical milestone: over 1,700 hotels across 70 countries have now been verified as adhering to the program’s standards.

Celebrating a Sustainability Milestone: Over 1,700 Hotels Embrace Sustainable Practices

This achievement, announced at ITB Berlin by WTTC President & CEO Julia Simpson, underscores the travel and tourism industry’s commitment to a more sustainable future. The Hotel Sustainability Basics program plays a pivotal role in:

Empowering hotels: By offering a clear and accessible framework, the program empowers hotels of all sizes to implement sustainable practices.

Providing public verification: The verification process grants hotels a recognizable symbol of their commitment to sustainability, allowing potential guests to make informed choices.

Global Reach and Industry Participation:

Hotels from major travel and tourism destinations worldwide have actively joined the initiative, including:

  • France
  • China
  • Mexico
  • India
  • Germany
  • South Africa
  • Philippines
  • Norway

Renowned Hospitality Brands Embracing Sustainability:

Several renowned hotel brands have adopted the Hotel Sustainability Basics program, demonstrating their dedication to environmental responsibility. This includes:

  • Jin Jiang: One of the world’s largest hotel groups with over 10,000 hotels.
  • Louvre Hotel Group: A European giant in the hospitality industry.
  • Choice Hotels: A leading international hotel franchising company.
  • Radisson Hotel Group: A global hotel company with a diverse portfolio of brands.

Gaining Traction Beyond Hotels:

The Hotel Sustainability Basics program has garnered endorsements not only from hotels but also from various stakeholders within the travel and tourism ecosystem:

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Destinations: The Caribbean, Mauritius, Colombia, UAE, Azerbaijan, Mexico, and Ecuador have all endorsed the program.

Travel & Tourism brands: Intrepid (adventure travel specialist), British Airways Holidays, HBX Group, WebBeds, and Abercrombie & Kent have joined the initiative.

A Structured Approach to Sustainability:

This internationally recognized program, overseen by established verifiers Green Key and SGS, offers a clear roadmap for hotels to follow. The 12-step program focuses on key areas of sustainability:

Reducing carbon emissions: Implementation of strategies to minimize the hotel’s carbon footprint.

Promoting nature conservation: Encouragement of practices that protect and preserve the natural environment.

Supporting local communities: Ensuring the hotel’s operations positively impact the surrounding communities.

A Win-Win for Everyone:

WTTC President & CEO, Julia Simpson, enthusiastically expressed her support for the program, highlighting its benefits:

  • Guests: They can easily identify hotels committed to sustainable practices.
  • Hotels: They gain a recognizable mark of sustainability, potentially attracting more eco-conscious guests.
  • The environment: Sustainable practices implemented by hotels contribute to a healthier planet.

Simpson commended the program’s remarkable growth: launched only a year ago, it already boasts over 1,700 verified hotels with a growing waitlist, indicating a strong industry demand.

Leading the Charge in Sustainable Tourism:

The WTTC, recognizing the industry’s call for action, is committed to spearheading the transition towards sustainable travel and tourism. This includes working alongside the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance to:

Develop globally aligned sustainability indicators: Establish a consistent framework for measuring and reporting sustainability efforts across the industry.

Advance sustainable practices: Continuously work towards further improving and promoting sustainable practices within the travel and tourism sector.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: What is WTTC’s Hotel Sustainability Basics program?

A: It’s a global initiative helping hotels implement sustainable practices to improve their sustainability ratings.

Q: How does the program benefit hotels?

A: It provides a clear framework, allows for public verification of their sustainability efforts, and potentially attracts more eco-conscious guests.

Q: What are some key areas the program focuses on?

A: Reducing carbon emissions, promoting nature conservation, and supporting local communities.

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