AMD EPYC 7763 64-core processor on Zen 3 architecture appears


AMD EPYC Milan processors will feature a TDP of 120-225W

An image of a third-generation AMD EPYC 64-core processor (Milan) has surfaced online. The AMD EPYC 7763 processor based on Zen 3 architecture, according to the source, is an early example of the next generation server processor line. At the same time, screenshots of the monitor were published, which show the technical parameters of the processor, including frequencies.


AMD EPYC 7763 64-core processor on Zen 3 architecture appears

The 64-core processor under consideration is capable of executing up to 128 instruction streams simultaneously, operating at a base frequency of 2.45 GHz. The maximum frequency is 3.5 GHz. The system configuration corresponding to the screenshots includes two processors. The source reminds us that the frequencies refer to the pre-production sample, and their final values ​​may be higher, as was the case in the case of Ryzen 5000 consumer processors.

The new processors will replace the current Rome line. The fundamental change is the transition from the Zen 2 microarchitecture to Zen 3. This change should provide a significant increase in such an important indicator as the number of instructions executed per clock cycle (IPC). For client processors, upgrading to Zen 3 yielded a 19% increase in IPS and a 40% increase in performance per power consumption. Milan processors will be manufactured using advanced 7nm technology.

AMD EPYC Milan processors will have a TDP of 120-225W. They will be SP3 compatible and will support PCIe 4.0 and DDR4. Deliveries are expected to begin before the end of the year.