Arc became available to everyone on macOS and iOS


Coming for Windows too

The unusual Arc browser has finally left the beta format and became available in version 1.0 for everyone. But for now only for Mac and iOS. 

macOS and iOS
macOS and iOS

The developers from The Browser Company have been testing their software for about two years, and during this time they managed to gain a certain number of fans. As the developers themselves say, their ultimate goal is to create “an operating system for the Internet. 

Arc became available to everyone on macOS and iOS

Arc is based on Chromium, but differs radically from Chrome. It has various tools: for taking notes, for sharing with other users, for creating separate workspaces, and so on. And the browser can also change the design of web pages. The application allows you to change the colors and fonts on the page, hide some part of the site and use CSS and JavaScript.  

Now the developers are busy creating a version for Windows and integrating artificial intelligence.  

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