Days Gone and Siphon Filter Writer Wants To Work On A Story Variation Of SOCOM Tactical Shooters


Days Gone and Siphon Filter Writer Wants To Work On A Story Variation Of SOCOM Tactical Shooters

Former Days Gone and All Siphon Filter writer  John Garvin, in a recent conversation with game designer David Jaffe, expressed a desire to participate in creating a new part of SOCOM tactical shooters.

Days Gone
Days Gone

As part of the interview, the viewer asked Garvin a question on what dormant Sony franchise he would like to work on if he returned to the camp of the Japanese platform holder.

The first thing that came to Garvin’s mind was the Zipper Interactive series of tactical shooters: “At launch, SOCOM had such a huge following that it always had a two-fold sales lead over Siphon Filter if my memory serves me right . 

According to Garvin, at this time, he would like to see “a story-driven version of this type of game,” built around “someone’s personal experience

The tactical shooter SOCOM US Navy SEALs, which debuted in 2002 for PS2, was the first to support the PS2 Network Adapter for multiplayer games.

Since the premiere of SOCOM US Navy SEALs, the series has been replenished with nine more issues. The last one – SOCOM Special Forces – was released on April 19, 2011 (US release) exclusively on PS3.

Despite Garvin’s hype, there is little hope for SOCOM’s return: the development studio was closed in 2012, and the creator of the franchise wants nothing more to do with it.

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