Everything for people. In the American Tesla Model 3 without any noise appeared USB-C ports and wireless charging


Like the Chinese versions

Unlike all other manufacturers, Tesla produces conditionally the same model throughout its life, without resorting to any planned restyling. Instead, Tesla introduces new technologies and functions into its cars when possible, sometimes without focusing on them at all.

Tesla Model 3
Tesla Model 3

Everything for people. In the American Tesla, Model 3 without any noise appeared USB-C ports and wireless charging

According to sources, the Tesla Model 3 cars in the base version, manufactured in the USA, without any noise got what was previously available only for the Chinese Model 3 and Model Y crossovers. We are talking about USB-C ports and wireless charging.

Interestingly, it was not Tesla who reported this, but the Model 3 buyer, who probably himself did not know that these innovations would be in his car. It is worth clarifying that earlier in Model 3 it was possible to order wireless charging.

Also Read:  Tesla cuts the price of Chinese-built Model 3 electric vehicles by 8%