New complaints about PlayStation 5: the console often checks the game disc for no reason – it makes a lot of noise


New complaints about PlayStation 5: the console often checks the game disc for no reason – it makes a lot of noise

Now that more people are getting their PlayStation 5, reports of strange features of the console that were not noted in the initial reviews have begun to appear on the web. For example, the disc in the drive spins periodically for some reason even when you are in the console menu or in another game.

PlayStation 5
PlayStation 5

People who use disc versions of projects on PlayStation 4, of course, are used to hearing the disc spinning in the drive from time to time – this happens when the console tries to access the content on it. But on PlayStation 5 it works differently. According to numerous posts on the Reddit and ResetEra forums, the console drive spins the disc approximately every 45 minutes.

“My PlayStation 5 now has a Ghost of Tsushima disc, and it keeps spinning even if I’m playing Spider-Man or Demon’s Souls. I understand that the system needs to check that the disc is still in place, but why to spin it so fast / loud for that? ” – posted by one Reddit user.

PlayStation 5 owners originally envisioned this to be some sort of new method of checking if a disc is in the console. But further observation revealed that the disc spins no matter what you do on your console. Users noticed noise from the drive while in the settings menu, watching Netflix and other multimedia applications. This forces some players to eject the disc from the console when not needed.

But this problem is at least not as serious as the others.

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The PlayStation 5 was released in Russia on November 19.