PlayStation 5 ahead: blogger compared Immortals Fenyx Rising on next-gen consoles


PlayStation 5 ahead: blogger compared Immortals Fenyx Rising on next-gen consoles

The author of the YouTube channel VG Tech has tested the fresh action adventure Immortals Fenyx Rising on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and Series S. As it turned out, the game performs best on the Sony console. The differences are not very significant, but they are present.

Playstation 5
Playstation 5

In Immortals performance mode, Fenyx Rising runs on PS5 in dynamic 4K resolution with drawdowns up to 2275 × 1280. Sometimes there is a native 4K resolution of 3840 × 2160, but this is rarer than the rule. A similar situation has developed on the Xbox Series X, only on the Microsoft console, the resolution drops down to 1080p. On Xbox Series S, the game runs at dynamic 1080p, which drops to 720p from time to time. At the same time, on all consoles in performance mode, the frame rate in Immortals Fenyx Rising is kept at around 60 frames / s and almost does not sag.

If you switch to higher quality, then the fresh Ubisoft action on the PlayStation 5 will be native 4K on an ongoing basis. But on Xbox Series X – dynamic 4K. Drawdowns to 3328 × 1872 are rare, but they are still there. Xbox Series S displays the game in the dynamic resolution of 1440p with drops to 1080p. In quality mode, all consoles maintain a stable 30fps with minor deviations.

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