PlayStation 5 release date – PS5, there is the (almost) official date for the presentation


The presentation of the PS5 should take place on June 4 according to the latest rumors that appeared online. Here’s how reliable they are

Price, design, and release date. Missing only these three elements to know everything, really everything about the new and highly anticipated PlayStation 5. Among rumors, rumors and official statements released in these months of waiting we have discovered everything, or almost, on the new PS5: technical features, new features introduced, innovations, but we still don’t know the price, nor the fateful release date of the new generation console from Sony.

But a new revelation just released online would seem to clarify the official presentation of the PS5 by venturing a date. Sony is planning to launch the PlayStation 5 in early June, coinciding with the release of the Official PlayStation Magazine UK. This would mean that just over a month is left to finally discover the design of the PlayStation 5, one of the last pieces to have the complete puzzle.

PS5: when it will be presented

The latest news regarding the date of the official presentation of the PlayStation 5 comes from a very reliable “deep throat”. GamesBeat reporter Jeffrey Grub said that the official launch of the new Japanese console will take place on June 4th, a credible date for many and in line with what was expected during the past weeks and which would seem to coincide with the release of the June issue. of the magazine dedicated to the world of PS Official PlayStation Magazine UK which, it seems, should reveal a series of information related to the new titles that will be launched together with the new console.

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official presentation of the PS5
official presentation of the PS5

Jeffrey Grub’s revelations are to be taken, as usual with springs, although other rumors would seem to confirm the official presentation of the PlayStation 5 in a period between mid-May and mid-June.

How much will the PlayStation 5 cost?

Deutsche Bank first and Bloomberg then, have tried to answer this question in recent months by advancing their assessments in two separate reports. The cost of the PS5 estimated by the German bank was around $ 499, while for Bloomberg only the production cost of the PlayStation 5 should be around $ 450. So what? How much will the Playstation 5 cost? Well, from the data currently available we can deduce that, almost certainly, the price of the new generation console of the Japanese house will be around $ 500, but it will never be $ 399 as happened with the launch of the PS4.