Ryzen, Athlon, and Radeon GPUs now share logos


Ryzen, Athlon, and Radeon GPUs now share logos

On the casing of the cooling system for AMD video cards of the Radeon RX 6000 family, the letter logo received a new outline, akin to the font of the logo of Ryzen processors. The first hints of a change in the Radeon logo appeared in the summer, now AMD has finally legalized this change in the corporate identity book, available in the closed section of the company’s website.


On the reference design Radeon RX 6000 graphics cards, the new logo flaunts not only on the cooling casing, where it has a red backlight, but also on the rear panel, where it is located parallel to the monitor ports. On the rotor of each fan, there is also a stylized letter “R” with a characteristic break of the extreme left vertical element.

The lettering Ryzen processor logos and Radeon graphics now have the same styling to enhance the corporate identity. Of course, the new style will also apply to the design of fresh batches of video cards of the Radeon RX 5000 generation, as their shipments will continue until more affordable representatives of the RDNA 2 architecture appear.

Radeon gaming graphics cards must have a red logo background in the tri-color version. For professional graphics adapters, AMD has in store for “color differentiation” – they use a blue background and the suffix “PRO” in the name.

Ryzen and Athlon processors with integrated graphics now also use a unified logo style.

Server processors EPYC received a new font a long time ago, they just have their own color scheme in the design of marketing materials. The color codes and proportions of the logos are thoroughly spelled out in the AMD corporate identity book, which was updated in October after the release of the Radeon RX 6000 graphics cards.

Special attention should be paid to the section describing the logos of the Ryzen 5000 series processors. It already has a place for Ryzen 3 models, although the range of Vermeer processors with Zen 3 architecture introduced in early October is limited to models of the Ryzen 5 level. Therefore, the appearance of more affordable representatives of the Ryzen 5000 family – just a matter of time.