Ryzen Threadripper Pro 5000 processors have significantly fallen in price


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Threadripper processors, unlike the younger Ryzen processors, rarely become the heroes of price reduction news. But right now, the current AMD HEDT class CPUs are sold at the lowest prices. 

Ryzen Threadripper Pro
Ryzen Threadripper Pro

The flagship 64-core Ryzen Threadripper Pro 5995WX is now asking for $5,800, up from the original $6,500. 

Ryzen Threadripper Pro 5000 processors have significantly fallen in price

The 32-core Threadripper Pro 5975WX can be bought for $2,900 instead of $3,200, the 24-core Threadripper Pro is sold for $2,100, and the 16-core Threadripper Pro 5955WX can be bought for just $1,100 versus the original $1,300. 

The Threadripper 5000 will remain relevant until at least the end of the year, when the Threadripper 7000 based on the Zen 4 architecture is expected. It is possible that after the release of the latest, the current generation will remain in service.