Sony gave PlayStation 5 to fan who first bought PS4 and PS4 Pro


Sony gave PlayStation 5 to fan who first bought PS4 and PS4 Pro

Joey Chiu is arguably one of the luckiest PlayStation fans in the world. Back in 2013, he was the first in line to pick up a PlayStation 4 at a launch in New York. Four years ago, Chiu was the first to buy a PlayStation 4 Pro. Joey didn’t have to wait this time – Sony sent him the PlayStation 5.

PS5 Plate
PS5 Plate

As Chiu said on Twitter, Sony surprised him by sending in a PlayStation 5 with a plaque. It says:

“Joey Chiu
First in line for PS4
First in line for PS4 Pro
Patience is virtue
This is for you.
Play without borders.”

It is worth considering that the company has banned the sale of the PlayStation 5 in retail stores on the day the console was released. Therefore, Chiu or anyone else could not have become the first owner of the new system. So this is Sony’s pretty sweet and considerate way of helping a fan achieve their goal.

In addition, as Chiu revealed in a later post, in addition to the PlayStation 5, Sony Interactive Entertainment has enclosed a digital code to download all the games available at the console’s launch.

PlayStation 5 will go on sale in Russia on November 19.

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