The next Minecraft update will offer to explore caves


The next Minecraft update will offer to explore caves

Mojang has released the next Minecraft update, Caves and Cliffs, as part of the Minecraft Live broadcast. As you might have guessed, it is primarily dedicated to caves and rocks. Interestingly, fans of the game last year at MineCon asked for such a biome.


Caves and Cliffs bring more varied caves of several variations to Minecraft: for example, filled with life and filled with stalactites and stalagmites. In addition, new creatures will appear in the game: hostile overseers, friendly and cute underwater axolotls, as well as mountain goats that adorn the slopes of the local peaks.

In addition to this, Minecraft will have a new way of mining. Instead of using a pickaxe, players will be able to discreetly excavate rare and fragile artifacts, brushing off the rock. New ores, items, and more are also waiting for you. This includes copper ore and crystals from which materials can be mined to create items. The Caves and Cliffs update brings a ton of new recipes: motion detectors, telescopes, lightning rods, leaf platforms, and more. Also, with the update, it will become easier to sort things in the inventory using the “Combine items” function.

And that’s not all that Mojang Studios intends to do with the upcoming update. Caves and Cliffs are slated for release in the summer of 2021. In addition, the developer shared that Minecraft has 131 million monthly active users. “Since the start of the pandemic, we have seen a nearly 90% increase in multiplayer sessions, and our community has grown to nearly 132 million monthly active players,” added Mojang Studios.

As a reminder, Minecraft itself is available on almost any platform. But updates are only released for the following versions: PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android, Oculus, Amazon Fire, and Gear VR.

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