US intelligence and military company integrated tracking tool into hundreds of mobile apps


US intelligence and military company integrated tracking tool into hundreds of mobile apps

According to The Wall Street Journal, Anomaly Six LLC, a small company with ties to the US defense and intelligence agencies, has built tracking tools into numerous mobile applications. It is noted that the aforementioned company can extract location data from more than 500 mobile applications that are installed on hundreds of millions of smartphones around the world.


The report says that Anomaly Six was founded by two veterans of American intelligence. Despite the fact that Anomaly Six officially works only with private companies, the source claims that it was possible to establish her connection with the US military and intelligence agencies.

The company also partners with mobile app developers by providing them with their own SDK, which is embedded in the software and collects device location data. It is not known which applications contain the tracking tool from Anomaly Six, since the company does not disclose data on which mobile software developers it cooperates with.   

Data is collected anonymously and sold not only to private companies but also to government agencies. Each smartphone whose location data is collected is assigned an alphanumeric identifier that is not associated with the real name of the device owner. Despite this, the data collected in this way can still be used to identify users and further collect information about them. For example, most of the time a device is idle at night when its owner is sleeping. Thus, the user’s address can be established, and based on his movements, it is easy to obtain data on habits, place of work, applications used on the road, favorite restaurants, shops, etc.

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