VKontakte introduced new functions of the “Health” platform


The VKontakte Health platform has new functions – Nutrition Diary and Symptom Control. They are completely free and work right in the VK application, so the user does not have to clog the phone’s memory with additional programs and create new accounts.

The Nutrition Diary aims to facilitate the non-trivial task of monitoring nutrition. It allows you to conveniently track calories – it will calculate the daily allowance based on a set goal: for example, to lose weight or gain muscle mass.

VKontakte introduced new functions of the “Health” platform

The user can only mark the main meals and snacks. And the Nutrition Diary will tell you how many calories are in a single serving or in the diet per day. Moreover, the service will show the number of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates – it is important to maintain their balance so that the body works like a clock.

The Symptom Control feature helps you record symptoms in detail and track their changes. For example, if the temperature is what and at what time, if the cough is dry or wet and what intensity, if the headache is in which specific area. External factors can also be noted there – contact with a sick person or a recent journey.

Now, if necessary, it will be possible to provide the attending physician with a complete picture of the disease, and it will also be easier to take care of the well-being of loved ones: you just need to enter their symptoms into separate cards.

New functions have already appeared in the “Health” menu in the second tab of the VK application. They can also be found via direct links:

  • Symptom Control: vk.com/health#symptoms
  • Food Diary: vk.com/food_diary
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Note that VKontakte launched the Health platform at the end of September. With its help, users can learn more about their bodies and form new healthy habits.