VKontakte launched “Reports”


Communities can now host and read text broadcasts

The team of the VKontakte social network announced the launch of a new function – “Reports”. It allows you to broadcast text to communities. 


VKontakte launched “Reports”

As the developers note, “Reporting” is suitable for covering both regular and one-time high-profile events: from sports matches, business conferences, and city holidays to Oscars and presentations of large companies. In the near future, not only users of the social network will be able to read the reports, but also those who do not have a VKontakte profile. 

The new tool allows you to publish news about an event not on the community wall, but inside a separate feed. As a result, interested subscribers can follow the report and others do not get bored with unnecessary recordings. 

Reporting notifications are sent to all community members when the administrator starts broadcasting. During the event, the author can also mark important news – notifications will be received by everyone who subscribed to the report. In addition, the author can post a link to the broadcast on other resources. The reports remain available after the end of the event. Each entry from the report can be shared.

To start reporting, the administrator will need to go to their community in the VK mobile application – the necessary button is on the panel for new publications. You can continue reporting in the desktop version. Watch – on all platforms, both from the phone and from the computer. 

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