Contrary to seasonal patterns, notebook panel shipments hit a record high this quarter


Last updated on December 8th, 2022 at 03:13 pm

Growth in annual terms amounted to 46.5%

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift to telecommuting, learning, and entertainment have generated high demand for laptops. It began to grow in the second quarter of last year so that there was a deficit in the third and fourth quarters, which has not yet been eliminated. According to the analytical company TrendForce, high demand for laptops will lead to the fact that in the current quarter will be recorded a historical maximum of shipments – 65.3 million units. This is 3.5% more than in the fourth quarter, which is contrary to seasonal patterns. Growth in annual terms is 46.5%.

notebook panel shipments
notebook panel shipments

Contrary to seasonal patterns, notebook panel shipments hit a record high this quarter

According to TrendForce estimates, panel suppliers increased shipments by more than 20% quarter-on-quarter compared to the same period last year, but laptop demand grew faster. The result was a worsening of the shortage. Currently, orders for panels from laptop manufacturers exceed suppliers’ capabilities by about 30-50%. The lack of certain semiconductor components hinders the increase in panel production.

The predictable reaction of the free market has been soaring prices for laptop panels. Significantly, 11.6-inch panels, commonly used in Chromebooks, now cost about the same as 14- and 15.6-inch panels.

TrendForce predicts that increased demand for laptop panels is likely to continue throughout the second and third quarters. In part, this may be supported by the desire of some laptop manufacturers to secure excess stock for themselves due to fears of further shortages.

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