Google Home, you will soon be able to adjust the Assistant’s volume separately


One of the most requested functions for Google Home is the ability to manage the volume of the music playback and that of the Narrator separately. The reason is very simple: I may want to listen to my favourite song at full volume, but this does not mean that you want the same thing for notifications and that every time I have to remember to lower it, and then turn it up again, and so on.

It would be a simple option capable of profoundly affecting the user experience – a bit like the recent introduction of the “Hey Google” command sensitivity slider – and finally, it seems that in Mountain View they have understood it and are moving to integrate it.

Google Home
Google Home

In the Google Home app for iOS, in fact, some users have started to report the presence of this separate volume management on the Equalizer screen, with a new slider dedicated to manual adjustment of the one desired for the Assistant.

However, at the moment the changes have no effect: there is the interface, but the option is not yet functional. There is also the possibility of choosing an automatic adjustment system, which at the moment, however, produces effects that seem random, and certainly not effective: some users claim that it brings the volume to very low levels, others instead record the opposite effect, with very high volumes.

In short, it seems that this long-awaited possibility needs a little more work before being operational, but the comforting fact is that Google has finally taken it into consideration, and in a short time it will arrive in a stable form.