Google releases first Chrome update for iPhone since November, but it’s too early to rejoice


Chrome 90 is expected to be released next week

Google has taken a long break from updating branded apps for the iOS platform. The pause was especially long with the Chrome browser. Google today released the first Chrome update for iPhone and iPad in November 2020. 

Chrome update for iOS
Chrome update for iOS

Google releases first Chrome update for iPhone in November, but it’s too early to rejoice

Chrome for iOS skipped the January (version 88) and March (version 89) updates, lagging behind the rest of the platforms. And today’s update does not correct the injustice – Chrome version 87.0.4280.163 has become available to users. Basically, the update fixes flaws and shortcomings discovered since November. There have also been minor changes to reflect Apple’s new privacy requirements.  

The stable version of Chrome 90 should be available on all platforms next week. Perhaps this time Google will not ignore Apple’s mobile devices, and iPhone and iPad users will get new features at the same time as users of Android smartphones and tablets. 

Also Read:  A simple but very useful innovation of Google Chrome. The browser will turn into a free PDF editor