New Ryzen processors could be 30% faster than Ryzen 7000


Zen 5 will be incredibly fast architecture

Renowned former AMD and Intel architect Jim Keller shared his predictions for the AMD Zen 5 architecture that will power the next generation of Ryzen processors. 

Ryzen processors
Ryzen processors

New Ryzen processors could be 30% faster than Ryzen 7000

It is not clear what data Keller’s predictions are based on, but they look very encouraging. In particular, Zen 5 will supposedly be the best architecture for pure integer performance. In the SPEC CPU 2017 INT Rate test, Zen 5 is expected to score 8.84 points against 6.8 points for Zen 4. Since Keller is comparing server solutions here, in the latter case we are talking about Epyc Genoa and Bergamo CPUs. For the same reason, we see Amazon, Nvidia and upcoming processors from Tenstorrent, which is headed by Keller, in the list of competitors. These CPUs are based on the Ascalon RISC-V architecture and will be the best in terms of performance per watt. 

Ryzen processors
Ryzen processors

If actual performance is close to Keller’s predictions, with the release of Zen 5 we will see an incredible 30% or so increase in the performance of the respective processors.  

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