Sony spoke about the voice recording function on the PlayStation – it will be used only for moderation


Sony spoke about the voice recording function on the PlayStation – it will be used only for moderation

PlayStation devs have shared the details of the voice recording feature that will be used on consoles. A Sony spokesman apologized that the company did not immediately reveal all the details.

PlayStation 5

As it turned out, the feature will be available not only on PS5 but also on PS4. The developers explained this by the fact that the owners of different platforms will be able to communicate with each other. The manufacturer will also not use continuous voice recording – the option will only be used to combat harassment and insults. For this, the devices will store a record of the last five minutes of conversations in memory.

To file a complaint, the user will need to send a 40-second snippet of the conversation. It should include 20 seconds of abuse, as well as 10 seconds before and after so that the moderators can understand the context.

The Verge senior editor Tom Warren said Microsoft is working on a similar feature for Xbox consoles. He noted that moderation is a common problem throughout the gaming industry.

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