YouTube introduces a new type of advertising in the video


This is an experiment for a small part of users.

YouTube introduces a new type of advertising in video recordings. While the video service is doing this as an experiment.
youtube advertising
youtube advertising

Unfortunately, YouTube, like other Alphabet companies, never reports on the results of experiments. Their success can only be judged by the transfer of functions, services, and types of advertising from experimental to permanent.

Other recent experiments launched by YouTube include:

  • The content of the videos available to the creators during the video design process. At the moment, the content of the video with timing the creators of the video usually leaves in the first attached comments. The experiment is conducted for the mobile version;
  • moving comments to a more convenient place to access them was easier. We are also talking about the mobile version, now to get to the comments you need to scroll through a lot of recommended videos;
  • Larger images and description of the video in the search, both on PC and on mobile devices. By design, this will help provide a better display of search results, will provide more opportunities for those video creators who like long titles, descriptions, and detailed splash screens for videos.

You can follow new experiments and updates on a special page in YouTube Help in the Community section. The page is maintained and updated by a Google employee.

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