Roskomnadzor calls for creating domestic analogs of YouTube for the media


YouTube management has imposed a complete ban on the creation of relevant channels by the Russian agency ANNA NEWS

The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) appealed to the country’s leading Internet companies to help the media create and popularize information channels on domestic video hosting sites.


Roskomnadzor calls for creating domestic analogs of YouTube for the media

The reason was the Google censorship system; the fact is that the YouTube leadership imposed a complete ban on creating the corresponding channels by the Russian agency ANNA NEWS (Analytical Network News Agency). In this regard, Roskomnadzor sent a letter to Google, in which the regulator demands to resume access to the news agency’s YouTube channels.

A targeted policy of censoring the Russian mass media is unacceptable and violates the key principles of free dissemination of information and unhindered access. We demand that all restrictions on access to the ANNA NEWS YouTube channels be lifted as soon as possible.

                                                                                               -Quote from a letter

Roskomnadzor also drew attention to the fact that domestic media need to maintain information channels on Russian video hosting sites, and large Internet companies should help the media in their creation and popularization. At least that’s what Roskomnadzor thinks.